Travel The Road

This is my online journal of my travels from my Alaska home to my East Coast home to be near my family. I am not leaving for another 2 months, so you'll see the blog will be slow moving, with only a few updates on my progress...getting ready for my drive back east.

Monday, October 23, 2006


This is the last picture I took of Alaska as I drove out. It just more proof of why it's such a hard place to leave. I absolutely believe that you never fully leave Alaska once you have been there.

I saw a LOT of wildlife on the trip. Elk, moose, buffalo. Most of my pictures came out fuzzy as I was trying to drive and take it at the same time! But I had to pull over for this one, and when I finally got my camera ready, he ran away.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

COMING QUICKLY (don't EVEN say it........)

Well, I have about 25 days left before I head out. I'm happy and sad. I laugh maniacally and cry hysterically within the same half hour. Things here are GREAT except the inconsiderateness of strangers who walk through my house whenever they feel. (the owner of the house is selling....which is none of my business, but I have to deal with the intrusions anyway. I'll never live somewhere like this again...dealing with realtors really shows you the ugliness of people!!!)

Paco had surgery this past week and is doing great. He had all his teeth removed. NO, NO DENTURES. I swear by all that is HOLY, if one more person asks that preposterous question, I'll be completely convinced that the world has gone retarded (no offense to the real people who are mentally handicapped...they don't deserve those other people being lumped in with them!!! LOL!) Don't worry, he eats just a matter of fact, he wants to eat all the time. It must be nice not having the pain and infection in his mouth anymore. He's back to being spunky and getting friendlier as the days go by. (having a rotten mouth made him grumpy) Anyway, enough talk about rotten teeth.

I'm looking forward to my drive. I have been gradually getting my " safety gear" together and equipping my XTERRA. It'll be the best trip ever.........................Or it'll totally stink. See? I'm on a rollercoaster. Just as long as when I pull away from the cabin on the first morning of the trip, my outlook is positive....I don't mind the rollercoaster!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


This page won't let me put them side by side, but I think you can get the 'picture' hehehe.(you can match up the cloud on the right of the 1st picture with the same image at the left of the 2nd picture)

The 'blur', near the sun, ISN'T a is in fact a ray of sun that was coming down and settled right next to Jackie and I, in the water. It was amazing!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


My sweet pup of 11 years!!!!


Some guy while I was on the Exit Glacier hike with my buddy Dave. I wish I could find the guy and send him a copy!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


After an extremely sad two weeks of mourning my old truck....I'm happy to say I have a new travelling buddy. My new XTERRA. It has a ton of room for packing up the things I need to bring with me and 4 wheel drive for those New England roads this winter!!! I haven't chosen my first assignment yet. I probably won't for another month or so....unless something exTREMEly awesome comes up.

I look forward to my drive back east and can't wait to see my family at Christmas!!! An assignment in Milwaukee came up for a great amount of money, but it is just a smidge too far to drive to Massachusetts for Chritmas dinner!!! Maybe next time.

Well, it has been raining here in Alaska basically all summer and my best pal, Jackie, wasn't too impressed with this great place. As far as the summer went, I can't blame rained ALOT. It has rained non-stop for more than 5 days now. I looked at the weather forecast and the sun will pop out in between showers tomorrow, but for the next 4 days aftet that....RAIN. I went and washed my truck anyway so I could get the road spit off of it!!!

You can find more pics of it on my other blog at

Friday, August 04, 2006


Sunset out my bedroom window

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I sold my truck a week ago. I still have my super car, but I loved my truck. Probably more than I love my dog. (not really, Paco, I love you!) This is a pretty bad picture because the ratty old cap I put on it to drive supplies up to my friend's cabin. But Ol' Blue is severely missed. I still get a lump in my throat when I wait to turn into my street and I can look over and see it gone from my driveway. God, I loved that truck. How sick is it to be so attached to an inanimate object? Although some of us with Ex's can relate, right? haha Good bye Ol' Blue!!!