Travel The Road

This is my online journal of my travels from my Alaska home to my East Coast home to be near my family. I am not leaving for another 2 months, so you'll see the blog will be slow moving, with only a few updates on my progress...getting ready for my drive back east.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


It's mid July and the Fireweed is blooming like crazy all over the place. It intrigued me the first time I saw it, back in September 2002 when I arrived, and it still does to this day!!!! It starts out about this time of year into a beautiful bloom that starts from the bottom of the flower bunch and opens on it's was up the little clusters of flowers. Once it reaches the top and is in full bloom, then it starts to get a white stringy-like silk-type.....awww, hell, Google the damn flower, already. All I know is that after the white thingies fly away, the leaves of the plant (which are pretty by themselves) turn red. I always thought that was the reason it was called Fireweed...but it's actually because the flower becomes abundant in areas where there was a soil a fire, earthquake, etc. That's all I know. Like I said, Google it. I'll provide you with the pretty picture!!! (all pictures on this website were taken by ME unless stated underneath the photo)


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