Travel The Road

This is my online journal of my travels from my Alaska home to my East Coast home to be near my family. I am not leaving for another 2 months, so you'll see the blog will be slow moving, with only a few updates on my progress...getting ready for my drive back east.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Seeing as I cannot figure out for the life of me how to shrink my photo to their specifications to put into my profile, I figured I'd just post one this way.

OH! And to prove that the above picture was a lucky-good-hair-day-one and to dispell the "beautiful" comment from my angel, Pam, here's another I took of plain old me WITHOUT the good hair day (about a week and a half ago, when I was catching a cold!!!) *added 8/21*


  • At 4:57 PM, Blogger Pattey and Chris Taylor said…

    I love you Pamcake....can't wait to be back!!! Yah, I'm a doll, eh? PU-leeese!!! I still have the hots for you, though, my blonde bombshell!!!!!!! (in a non-lesbo way, of course!) I'll be seeing you soon. Kiss the kids for me!!!! Love you guys!!!


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